Here are some steps to get started music:

  • Choose an instrument. 
  • Decide which instrument you want to learn. Popular options include guitar, ukulele, piano, violin  and drums
  • Find a teacher or online tutorials: Look for a qualified music teacher  in your area or online tutorials that can guide you through the basics.
  • Practice regularly: Dedicate some time each day to practice. Consistent practice is key to improving your skills  and learning music.
  • Learn theory: It’s important to have a basic understanding of music theory. This will help you read sheet music, compose your own songs and play more advanced pieces.
  • Find a community: Joining a musical community, such as a band or orchestra, can help you stay motivated and learn from others. Remember, Learning to play an instrument takes time and patience. Don’t get discouraged if progress seems slow at first. With dedication and patience, anyone can learn music and play an instrument!